Thursday, January 05, 2006

Got Braces?

Mood: working
Got Braces?
Well I wanted to have one but I can't. My teeth are perfectly fine and besides, I don't have the money to have braces. Solution: have retainers instead!
It has the same effect. Well it's just for fun anyway. I just spent half of my allowance for it. Yeah, talk about FUN. And yes, I'm still pissed on how to configure my blog. Maybe I can ask my friend to help me.
Oh yeah, I aced my Asian Civilization exam! I got perfect! Hooray! Pls check out my friendster account as well. My addie is
'til next time then. Take care.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope this is the right place, but HELLO, I am from the forum!!


2:20 PM  

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