Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Birthday Suprises

Belated Happy Birthday to me!
Whew the last 3 days has been hell for me. Screw the exams! I think I didn't do too good on Physics. Hmf! So many numbers on the page! Uh-oh, that was Dan's statement too. Mind if I borrow it Dan? Of course you won' such a dear. *plants a kiss on his cheeks*
For that I hope Emma won't have to kill me. Hehe.
Speaking of killing somebody, I almost killed one. My bestfriend.
He totally forgot my effing birthday! He never greeted me and then all of a sudden he says he's coming over to my birthday party this Saturday. Wtf?! The nerve! I have to kill him by then...
He better give me a good gift or else...
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! A new korean series will be shown on ABS-CBN entitled Goong (Palace)! I'm so glad ABS got it! I can't wait for it to air! According to the reviews I've read, it's one heck of a good series! Not only is it good, but the lead actors are so to die for as well! *gasps for air*
It is adapted from a Manhwa (Korean Manga) that is really popular now in Korea. Drum roll please... I give you:

CG: Yoon Eun Hye
Shin: Joo Ji Hoon (I so loooooove him!)
Hyo Rin: Song Ji Hyo
Yul: Kim Jung Hoon (he's my yummy oppa! *faints*)
BEGINNING OF THE FILMING: End of Septermber 2005
BROADCASTING: Jan 16, 2006
GENRE: Romance/ Comedy/ Drama
STATUS: Ongoing (so far: 9 volumes) S
SUMMARY: the prince of Korea suddenly transfered to your school and you overheard him proposing to another girl, how would you react being told you have to marry him?
I was shocked because Eun-hye of BABY V.O.X is playing the lead role! And huwaaaat? Lee Donggun was rejected from playing the lead part of Shin?! It's okay though, at least I get to see my yummy Jo Jihoon! waaaaaaah! Look at this...he is just plain yummy!

and I just died...waah!

Friday, February 03, 2006


mood: Image hosting by Photobucket tired
listening to: Deep Sorrow by Shinhwa

Hey guys, long time no post! Sorry I've been busy. The exams are nearing and I'm cramming to study all the lessons that covers the exam. I've been too busy to update my fic as well. My readers are now pretty mad I can tell. Lol!

Wow, so much has happened this past few days. Some were a real blow to my fandoms. But as they say, the show must go on. Whatever happens, I'll keep my faith alive.

My 18th birthday is nearing. Hmmm, what can I give to myself? Harhar. A boyfriend perhaps?
haha dream on Shine, dream on!