Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Birthday Suprises

Belated Happy Birthday to me!
Whew the last 3 days has been hell for me. Screw the exams! I think I didn't do too good on Physics. Hmf! So many numbers on the page! Uh-oh, that was Dan's statement too. Mind if I borrow it Dan? Of course you won' such a dear. *plants a kiss on his cheeks*
For that I hope Emma won't have to kill me. Hehe.
Speaking of killing somebody, I almost killed one. My bestfriend.
He totally forgot my effing birthday! He never greeted me and then all of a sudden he says he's coming over to my birthday party this Saturday. Wtf?! The nerve! I have to kill him by then...
He better give me a good gift or else...
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! A new korean series will be shown on ABS-CBN entitled Goong (Palace)! I'm so glad ABS got it! I can't wait for it to air! According to the reviews I've read, it's one heck of a good series! Not only is it good, but the lead actors are so to die for as well! *gasps for air*
It is adapted from a Manhwa (Korean Manga) that is really popular now in Korea. Drum roll please... I give you:

CG: Yoon Eun Hye
Shin: Joo Ji Hoon (I so loooooove him!)
Hyo Rin: Song Ji Hyo
Yul: Kim Jung Hoon (he's my yummy oppa! *faints*)
BEGINNING OF THE FILMING: End of Septermber 2005
BROADCASTING: Jan 16, 2006
GENRE: Romance/ Comedy/ Drama
STATUS: Ongoing (so far: 9 volumes) S
SUMMARY: the prince of Korea suddenly transfered to your school and you overheard him proposing to another girl, how would you react being told you have to marry him?
I was shocked because Eun-hye of BABY V.O.X is playing the lead role! And huwaaaat? Lee Donggun was rejected from playing the lead part of Shin?! It's okay though, at least I get to see my yummy Jo Jihoon! waaaaaaah! Look at this...he is just plain yummy!

and I just died...waah!


Blogger Mayet said...

ipapangita ko na naman ni! haaay! hahaha! am i invited to the party too?! bwahahaha!

10:47 AM  

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