Sunday, January 15, 2006

Be careful what you wish for

Just yesterday I learned not to wish about something because it might just come true. Coz it did.

Remember the guy I've been ranting about in Confessions? Well yesterday for no apparent reason I missed him. I'd be a hypocrite if I say no because I do once in a while. I hate and love him at the same time. Argh, so anyway I wished to see him. Even just to catch a glimpse of him. I really concentrated hard. "God can I just see him, for the last time even?" I remember saying that.

Well when almost all hope was lost, I decided to catch the ride home. While waiting for the jeepney to get full I forced the memory of him out of my system. When the jeep was about to go, someone made the last cut. Guess who? HIM. I swear to god I just looked at him mouth wide open! Jeez it was soooo embarrasing! So I forced a smile at him. (don't know how that looked though..don't remind me! haha) and he smiled back. I just don't know how I felt back then. I just remember I can't slap the awful grin off my face! hahaha! So anyways, he asked if I already paid my fare and I replied with a nod. I silently cursed myself why I paid my fare earlier and if I only knew I'll see him then I wouldn't have otherwise. He could've paid it for me. *sigh*

The ride was uncomfortable. I kept stealing glances at him. And the funny thing was he did the same. I can see from the corner of my eye thank you very much. It was very much all glances and no talk whatsoever. We were so uncomfortable with each other's presence. When it was time for me to drop by my stop I said goodbye and he nodded. So that was pretty much it. BORING! Haha! Why do I even bother putting this in my blog anyway? Lolz!

Andy hun be careful, if you wish for it it might just come true. Unless, if you really wanted it. Hehe. Love yah hun!



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