Friday, January 13, 2006

Confessions of a Broken Heart

Have you ever been in-love? Ever had that funny feeling everytime you see him? Do you feel your heart drumming against your chest at the glimpse of him? Do you dream of him? Wanting to be near him every chance you get?

Well if you have, then...HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BROKEN HEARTED?

Part of being in-love is getting hurt, really bad. After that nice, happy feeling you get you sometimes have to be hurt. Why? Coz part of loving is getting hurt. I've been hurt not only once, but twice. It's got to be the worst feeling I ever had. Your heart felt as if being teared into tiny little pieces you can't repair and just when you thought that everything will change, the same thing happens again. And then you start to ask "Why?"

You may say I'm stupid falling for the same trap twice. Well, who can blame me? I was in-love. So in-love that I didn't think straight. I became stupid, blind, ignorant. They say love can make you do crazy things and believe me it's true. I did everything for him, even to the extent that I looked stupid. He made me believe that there was hope for "us" to happen...but in the end, left me in the dumpster. Sad? Yeah...and sometimes I stay up all night thinking of how blind I was. If I only did this and that. Well, it's too late for that now isn't it?

There's no point crying over spilled milk. My will can be mended but my heart may never will. *sigh*


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