Thursday, January 19, 2006

Can't wait

Hey! Long time no post. Been busy these past few days. Oh by the way, since I'm such a X-men fan, I can't wait for the third installment to hit the screen! Squeeeee! There's new characters to be shown and I'm so dying to see Hugh Jackman again. Bwahaha.

the official website is: check it out! So awesome!

and oh speaking of new characters, I am so in-love with ANGEL now. Why? The answer is in the pic...

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Looks like someone you know of?? hahaha!

Gah I'm so hopeless! I so wanna fly with him right now. By all means, spread your wings and fly!



Blogger Mayet said...

Wolverine and Storm for life hahaha~

3:34 PM  

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