Monday, June 19, 2006


Lookie there! haha OMG! TVXQ caught on cam watching a game between South Korea and France in the World Cup Playoff Series! Wawawa! Here's the scoop:
TVXQ has official made their 3 second debut on world wide TV! If any of you out there who were paying attention to the South Korea vs. France game, you would have seen a glimpse of the boys. You will see them right before the rooster is shown during the France National Theme playing, "The Marseillaise". Jaejoong is wearing devil horns, Yoochun is wearing a red cap, Yunho and Changmin are both holding a camera, and the biggest soccer fan out of the five, Junsu. We, DBShinGi and all fans, hope that Junsu had a wonderful time watching both his country and his favorite player, Therry Henry, who is part of the French soccer team, play against one another.
My Jaejong oppa is wearing horns? nyahaha! Now that's what I call horny! nyak!
By the way, I just saw the guy I was infatuated with back in high school. He used to hold hands and sweet talk me (he sits beside me) so for yeah I guess that's why I liked him back then. He's still as cute as ever but his current girlfriend happens to be some girl I hate way back in elementary. Hmf. He waved back at me though, which kinda made my day... *cough*


Blogger meow said...

have you watched the game? bwct kasi sa destiny cable you have to suvscribe first to watch the WC games live, fee will be 5 thousand pesos for a full season. di pumayag mom ko mahal daw. nakakapanood naman ako sa solar sports pero hindi live feed.

cute naman nanonood ang TVXQ..

daehan minkuk! ^__^

3:37 PM  

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