Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Of Love and Hate

mood: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting tired
currently listening to : I Write Sins Not Tragedies by P!ATD

What have I been doing these past weeks? Well to start off, my mom arrived last week causing me to temporarily stop going online and spend more "quality time" *cough* with her. All was well until I hear her go gaga everytime she sees the chores come undone. Hey, what can I do? I can be such a couch potato at times and besides, it's SUMMER for pete's sake! I'm supposed to be resting! *earth to mom*.

I got my hair trimmed. I got tired of my old hairstyle. Besides, my old hair made me look fatter. Hmph.

School started yesterday. I'm in my second year now. Damn it. I wish I was back in my first year. My schedule's a mess! I don't have a vacant time anymore! No more malling for me. *sniff* What's worse, the subjects are getting more complicated now. I thought the first year was tough, but man it's tougher being a sophomore. I hate this. Damn school too. They won't f*ucking allow high-heeled shoes. Come on, I already bought one! What do I do with it? Throw it away?! Shit.

Okay, talk about swearing there. I love blogging, I can swear here all I want. Harhar. Gee, after that I feel loads better. Maybe I would do this often from now on...

Winglin's up and running again, yipeee! I guess I'm back to writing fics now. *and all my readers say amen*

I saw my best friend the other day. I had butterflies in my stomach. Damn it. This is getting unhealthy.

I made more changes in my "fave" section. As you can see, I'm currently reading Castles by Julie Garwood. I just love her romance novels. This is the 5th time that I'll be reading this book.

Wish me luck on my second year. Starting tomorrow, my life's gonna be hell.

I wished I just followed my desire to take up MassComm than listening to my dad's "dream" for me. Hell, I never wanted of being a nurse anyway. Seeing blood makes me squirm. I'd rather take a pencil and paper in my hand and write away rather than hold a injection and stick it into someone's arse. Stupid decision. Stupid me.

Oh f*ck, I'm depressed and I'm a mess. Call 911.

I hate my life. Can I have yours? Bwahaha


Blogger Mayet said...

try Judith McNaught and it will bring out all your creative juices hahaha!

8:49 AM  

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