Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Money today, gone later

mood: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting huh?!
currently listening to: First Love by Utada Hikaru

It's funny. Everytime I get hold of a certain sum of money, it usually ends up being spent afterwards. Where do they go? Internet cafes, McDonalds, malls, the school bookstore, or to the xerox copier for all my hand-outs. Damn professors. I spent my computer surfing time to editing my blog and myspace profile. I got hooked. I wasn't satisfied so I kept on editing them. Hehe. Usually, in high school my major problem was about getting high grades. Now in college, my major problem is money. My allowance is just not enough for all my expenses! Jeez! All the prices have gone sky-rocket while the amount of my allowance stayed the same. Justice I tell ya!

On the lighter side of things, that Lee Jun-ki pic just made my day. *blush* Gaaah! He's just the cutest!

'Til here then. I still have to study. *curses*



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