Saturday, June 24, 2006

Yin and Yang

I'm not the boastful type. Really I'm not. But this time I really have to be honest with you guys and to myself as well. Okay, in our school when you're already a sophomore they sort you out according to your grade average, particularly on the last semester. I was sorted to be in section Charlie, the third section. In our year it's up to section Echo1 which comes after Zulu followed by Alpha1, Bravo1, etc. Well you get the point, right? So I was really nervous the first day I walked into the classroom because I know these guys are really smart and all, maybe even smarter than me. I was really scared of being the stupidest one in the class, because that would be just humiliating right? All the teachers have high expectations from the first three sections because they are consists of the best of the best.

(Okay, just a little clarification. I don't consider myself smart. Not really. Maybe it just so happens that I can memorize things quick. But I forget them easily. Hehe.)

But it seems that things aren't what they seem afterall. We had this reading exercise just this afternoon in our English3 subject. We were given some terms to read correctly. But what the heck? I was the only one who knew how to read the word 'annihilation' correctly! The same goes for 'facade', 'attache' , 'connoisseur', and I a whole lot of others too! Huh? What's totally wrong in this picture?

(I don't mean to sound proud.)

But, it's okay. Indi pa ko? Di bala Meyms? I was worried in the possibility of being sorted into Alpha before because the Clinical instructors would really be strict. As a matter of fact, some friends of mine in section A were complaining of the C.I.'s treatment. Too many tests. Harhar.

It's guess it's a blessing afterall. Thank God.

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Okay, since Jun-ki oppa's already taken I'll now put a copyright on my last oppa left. KIM JAEJOONG of TVXQ is now officially MINE! Bwahaha! Sa wakas! *fireworks*
I won't settle for "paa" anymore, haha!


Blogger meow said...

ahehe sencya na talaga :>

dont worry major hottie yang si jae jeong ah! may dramas na ba siya?


10:57 PM  

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