Falling all over again

listening to: Bad Guy by Rain
I got bored yesterday, so I made a video slideshow of my classmates and I and posted it at their friendster accounts. Hope they like it though. It took me two agonizing hours to make. Yeah yeah I know, I'm such a nice friend. Haha!
I'm totally bobbing my head to Bi's song. Haha.
Oh a new Korean Bimbap House opened near our school last week. I'm so excited of actually eating there. Maybe soon. If I save enough money. Or if Meyms will treat me to it. *wink*
Last night, I was listening to the radio before going to sleep and I heard Dan Hill's Fall All Over Again and then I remembered a certain loveteam I totally have gone gaga before and then I also remembered you Meyms! Haha! You were singing this song at one of our McDo escapades before, remember? I don't wanna hear that song again on the night that we first met...
Aww! Sapol na sapol! I'll post the lyrics later.
And yeah, while browsing my friends list as Friendster I saw my *ehem* former crush's (former daw oh) new pics. I got intrigued so I checked them out. OMG. Meyms, if I would just cut my hair a little shorter then have bangs we would have the same hairstyle. Bwahaha! Mas maganda pa ang hair nya saken! Da bah!
I just hope he won't see my blog. Or else. Haha! Meyms, here's a pic:
Model na model di bah? He even has pics of him having a slight resemblance to Jun-ki. Anak ng tokwa. Haha! Mas maganda pa siya saken! Kainis! haha. Meyms, we have to go out again soon. I'm missing you already. Just to let you know, I'm free on Mondays and Wednesdays. Wek.
bwahahaha! i know this guy! it occured to me just now, hecky wecky looks like JunKi sometimes! hehehe! i'll text him. NOW! hahaha!
hindi siya kamukha ni junki ko..hehe! just kidding :>
hehe have u tried eating kimchi already? ^_^
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