Tuesday, July 18, 2006


This is what my phone looks like, my friends were right after all, it's a Razr alright hehe! I saw the other colors available and eeeek I wish my mom got me the pink one instead! Or the black one even...hmf. I'm stuck with the gray one. I don't like the color much but I guess I might as well stick with it.

One problem though, it's not user-friendly! I still can't figure some of the keys right! Sending pics by bluetooth for example, it took me a week to get it right! Sheeesshh! Oh well, at least I finally got a new phone....yihee!


Blogger Mayet said...

this is the first Razr phone i think. the one in Goong is different. i wan't it sooooo bad! hahaha!

3:11 PM  

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