Monday, July 17, 2006

The Ultimate Showdown

Phew, whatta week! No to mention that our prelim exams are coming up! Oh no! No more internet for a while...huhu. Oh well, but at least I have a new phone, wohoooo! Finally, after a century of waiting I finally got a camera phone, bwahaha! I forgot it's model but it's a Motorola one and it flips when you open it. I dunno, they say it a V-something or a Razor, ah whatever. As long as it has a cam, that's fine with me.

Let me ask you a question: It it okay to like someone who's actually gay?

Eeeek, let me rephrase that : It is okay to like someone who's bisexual? Bwahaha. I dunno, it's just that a friend of mine (since high school) is way too yummy to be a bi. He's open about it, but only a few know about his real sexuality. When you look at him, he's a hottie. But when he starts to speak up, you'll run away...seriously. A lot of girls like him without knowing his *ehem* other side. But I guess he'll do just fine for me...hahaha! Asa pa eh!

Darn, I can't resist looking at him everytime we hang out with friends. Duh, I even have a pic of him with me on my phone. My mom was worried (she was thinking the unthinkable) but got relieved when I said, "Ma don't worry. Hindi kami talo!" She almost fell off the chair. Bwahaha!
Oh well, I guess I just to accept the truth that he's gay and I'm straight. Dream on baby...

For all the Korean fangirls out there, answer this truthfully. And here's the catch, CHOOSE ONLY ONE! Haha! Let the showdown begin!

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Rain or S7even?
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Daniel or Dennis?
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Min-woo or Dong-wook?
This one is specially made for Meyms:
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Hyun-bin or Ji-hoon?
Hard to decide huh? Don't remind me...hahaha!


Blogger Mayet said...

JOO JI HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! My future husband! Bwahahaha! OMG! OMG! I'm falling all over again!

why didn't you show me your new phone yesterday?! hehehe!

11:12 AM  
Blogger slytherin_heiress said...

huya ko...hehe! di ko siya dala subong. Nakulbaan ko daan dal-on sa school. JJH? Oh well, I thought you'd choose him. wahaha

2:32 PM  
Blogger meow said...

ayy nakooo! razr ang fone mo?!! hindi mo alam eh andaming nagnanasasa sa rzr..haha! about the gay ish, i can totally relate! nakoo may crush akoo ang gwapo din pero badjing! kakainis ang hawwwt din niya pero we're cool, i had gay crushes before, ok lang sakin. hekhek..

bout the quiz..

SE7EN XEMPRE!!! he's my oppa too, waaaah!

and i choose dennis over daniel noh! *drools*

and lastly dong wook, uberhaawttt!

and hyun bin xempre, ayy nakoo! ^__^

5:06 PM  
Blogger Mayet said...

thank God mau chose Hyun Bin over JJH! wahahaha! i'm a very selfish 'wife' mwahaha!

shine, i'm planning to get a razr too! pareho sa phone ni JJH sa goong! waaaaaaah!


and Rain


it's daniel over dennis oh!

5:18 PM  
Blogger slytherin_heiress said...

waaaah cge para pareho tayo ng phone...haha!


and napilitan kasi andyan ka...Hyun-bin. haha


10:23 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

RAIN, Daniel, DONG-WOOK, Hyun Bin.. err Ji-Hoon? Argh. I can't decide. I love them both:) Pwehehe

7:31 PM  

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