Random rantings
I watched a couple of movies over the weekend to amuse myself. Aside from keeping myself busy in reading a new book, (Summer Sisters by Judy Blume. It's really good) I watched movies to refrain myself from eating too much. I'm still on a loose weight campaign so yeah. Whether it worked or not, that's for me to know. Hehe. First up, A Cinderella Story.starring Hillary Duff and Chad Michael MurrayThe stories pretty much like any other high school life themed movie I've watched. It's stil the unknown main character-gets the guy/girl of his/her dreams-and they all live happily ever after storyline. I correctly predicted most of what's going to happen after every scene. My, I must've watched too many teen movies! Lolz! Just like Austin's ex falling for Carter on the party, Carter ending up with someone you'll never expect and so forth. And oh yeah, the land title on the fairy tale book, bwahaha! As for Hillary's acting, I'd say she did well. Although I still don't like her....boo! And me being a Lindsay fan has nothing to do with it, eeek!I think I've developed a crush for Carter (Dan Byrd). His character on the movie reminded me of someone. Wait, on a second thought, erase that. Hehe!
Next movie: Beyond Bordersstarring Angelina Jolie and Clive OwenActually my mom chose this one, and to be honest at first I didn't have any interest to watch the film. But after seeing a few parts, I got hooked. Wow, I didn't know that the situation on Sudan and Ethiopia was that bad. Watch the movie and you'll know what I mean. Oh yeah, the movie's a real tear jerker too. My mom cried harder on the ending...hehe! The movie really moved me and thought me the value of life. From appreciating the simple things to what I have. Wow, I am blessed. This movie really taught me a lot and I hope you guys can watch it too. I swear you won't be disappointed. Yes it has some dragging parts but over all, it's a thumbs up.Happy watching! :D
Coffee Love
Oops...gotcha!courtesy of Mirror.co.uk"Harry Potter stars Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe grabbing coffees at Camden's Starbucks in North London..."it makes me wanna dance the cha-cha-cha. Bwahaha. There's a celebration practically going on in the D/E thread at EW.net. In your face R/E shippers! *evil laugh*I want a frappe badly....now!
Moving on...daw.
After all that has happened last week, I finally decided to let myself go. I want to let go of the pain that I feel because of loving someone on my own. Maybe it's true after all, that the heart can grow tired of loving. I'm doing this for myself and for him as well. Since all of my efforts end up in vain, I think it's time to learn to love again. I guess he wasn't worth it after all.Someone told me the other day that I shouldn't be afraid to love again, even though it hurts because God is loving others through me and it really shocked me 'coz I haven't told about this to anyone. I guess it's God's answer to my question. I mustn't be like this all the time, besides this is getting unhealthy. We all have to make painful choices sometimes but it's for the best. I just have to move on.You can only have one first love in your life. I am glad that he was it. But that doesn't mean that he'll be the only one that my heart will ever love. I must love again. It may take a lot of time, but I'll take it slow day by day. Someday when I'll look back on this day, I'll be glad that I've let him go. But I do know that the love I have for him won't go away, yes it will lessen but once you've loved someone you'll love him forever. So far I'm doing fine. I hope I can move on in time. Oh yeah, I'm trying to loose weight too...harhar!"Even if you mean the whole damn world to me, I can forget you...wait and see.I can be strong even without you.I can't waste my life forever hopingyou'd come back to me,But deep inside I know I'll be waiting here for you..."
On the edge of boredom...and writer's block.
Talk about boredom. Argh, the picture says it all. That's me trying to figure out what to update on my fic. Now it's doomed to be left behind, (all my readers shout "noooo!") but heck I'll figure some way out of this. I've got to post an update sooner or later. On the lighter side of things, classroom activities doing well in my favor. Much more in English were we're supposed to get up and deliver an extemporaneous speech. I wasn't worried, (well maybe just a bit) for I have experieneced that before. Besides, I have a rhinoceros' face skin. Lolz.But I accidentally blurted out my undying affection for our Anatomy professor that I have a crush on. Okay, I'll post an excerpt of my speech here for you to understand:"Love can be many things, it's meaning changes for every person. But for me, Love is a feeling you feel when you have a feeling you haven't felt before..."(my fellow classmates applauded and I continued...)"...but most of all, Love is __________. Thank you." (I dare not post his name here)See? So by now I've humiliated myself to the next century. Haha, at least I got the highest grade. It pays to be honest, hehe. And I'm the center of jokes now, especially during Anatomy class. But my dumb ass prof still doesn't have a clue. Jerk. Buti nalang cute ka...eeek! They call me "Miss Extemporaneous" now. So much for keeping a low profile in college. I hope they won't put that in our yearbook....dear Lord no.I'm bored. *sigh*
Pinoy and lovin it...
Filipino, Filipino, Filipino, FilipinoBebo bebot, be bebo bebot, be bebo bebotIkaw ang aking...-Bebot by BEPHave you ever hated your nationality? Hah, I have. Countless of times even. Sometimes I just look into the mirror and suddenly hate the color of my skin, my black hair and my non-aqualine nose (wait, is there such a word?). But these past few days, when I really thought about it, heck I'm proud of what I am. I'll give you some of the reasons:1. 'Coz Nicole of PCD is Filipina.
2. APL de AP of the BEP is one too.
3. And so are Camille Velasco, Jasmine Trias, Mutya of Sugababes, Mig Ayesa... (do you really want to continue? It can take us all day)
4. 'Coz ALL STARS won the World Hip-hop Championships
5. 'Coz Rob Schneider makes me laugh my ass off
6. Julio Englesias is hot. (uhmm, does this even qualify?)
7. I love balut.
8. Chicken adobo's like no other
9. 'Coz you can find Filipinos on any part of the globe
To show you, here's a clip of the award-winning performance of the Phil. All Stars last July 30 at Redondo Beach, CA. Warning: It's absolutely effing good!Pare, tumaas balahibo ko nung pinapannod ko 'to. Panalo!Now... asan na ang mga 'bebots'? More patriotic posts to come your way...soon.
New look, new start
patrioticcurrently listening to: Bebot by BEP (yeah!)As you have noticed, the background has changed. (woot woot!) I felt my blog needed a new look, so I looked for a Harry wallie to give my blog a new flava as you may put it. I know, it's not my hubby Draco there but I think he won't mind Harry being in the background for now. Besides, Draco on vacation and I heard that he's with Pansy at the moment. What better way to get back at him than to play with good 'ol Harry for awhile? Bwahaha. Brilliant.I haven't posted any new entries 'coz I've been very busy this past week. So much has happened that I totally forgot what I was supposed to post now, ain't it great? Haha. Oh well...new rant comin up!(besides, Harry looks way better on my blog. Sorry Draco hunny. :P )