Monday, August 07, 2006

Pinoy and lovin it...

Filipino, Filipino, Filipino, Filipino
Bebo bebot, be bebo bebot, be bebo bebot
Ikaw ang aking...

-Bebot by BEP

Have you ever hated your nationality? Hah, I have. Countless of times even. Sometimes I just look into the mirror and suddenly hate the color of my skin, my black hair and my non-aqualine nose (wait, is there such a word?). But these past few days, when I really thought about it, heck I'm proud of what I am. I'll give you some of the reasons:

1. 'Coz Nicole of PCD is Filipina.
2. APL de AP of the BEP is one too.
3. And so are Camille Velasco, Jasmine Trias, Mutya of Sugababes, Mig Ayesa... (do you really want to continue? It can take us all day)
4. 'Coz ALL STARS won the World Hip-hop Championships
5. 'Coz Rob Schneider makes me laugh my ass off
6. Julio Englesias is hot. (uhmm, does this even qualify?)
7. I love balut.
8. Chicken adobo's like no other
9. 'Coz you can find Filipinos on any part of the globe

To show you, here's a clip of the award-winning performance of the Phil. All Stars last July 30 at Redondo Beach, CA. Warning: It's absolutely effing good!

Pare, tumaas balahibo ko nung pinapannod ko 'to. Panalo!

Now... asan na ang mga 'bebots'?

More patriotic posts to come your way...soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mheeen that video is cool! amazing. they won that? (to myself: award-winning nga raw eh.)

the problem with our country is that we do have a lot of talents, but we don't support them. we dwell too much on popularity and politics, rather than what we can do. :)

6:01 PM  

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