On the edge of boredom...and writer's block.

Talk about boredom. Argh, the picture says it all. That's me trying to figure out what to update on my fic. Now it's doomed to be left behind, (all my readers shout "noooo!") but heck I'll figure some way out of this. I've got to post an update sooner or later. On the lighter side of things, classroom activities doing well in my favor. Much more in English were we're supposed to get up and deliver an extemporaneous speech. I wasn't worried, (well maybe just a bit) for I have experieneced that before. Besides, I have a rhinoceros' face skin. Lolz.
But I accidentally blurted out my undying affection for our Anatomy professor that I have a crush on. Okay, I'll post an excerpt of my speech here for you to understand:
"Love can be many things, it's meaning changes for every person. But for me, Love is a feeling you feel when you have a feeling you haven't felt before..."
(my fellow classmates applauded and I continued...)
"...but most of all, Love is __________. Thank you." (I dare not post his name here)
See? So by now I've humiliated myself to the next century. Haha, at least I got the highest grade. It pays to be honest, hehe. And I'm the center of jokes now, especially during Anatomy class. But my dumb ass prof still doesn't have a clue. Jerk. Buti nalang cute ka...eeek! They call me "Miss Extemporaneous" now. So much for keeping a low profile in college. I hope they won't put that in our yearbook....dear Lord no.
I'm bored. *sigh*
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