Aww...that hurt

Cute, aint he? Hehe, reminds me of my dog Louie. He looks just like the puppy in the pic. Lol. Anyways, back to updating my blog. Yeah, my head hurts. Woke up this morning with a fever and a headsplitting headache. I got soaked by rain on my way home so that's the reason why I got fever the next day. I feel a little better, but I feel like I have hangover or something. So more or less, I feel buzzed and a bit sleepy.
Something weird happened to me when I was on my way home yesterday. I was walking on the side street, towards the jeepney stop when I suddenly felt pain on my right foot like something pricked me. I took off my shoe (which was embarassing enough) and guess what I found? A thumbtack! A freakin thumbtack on my shoe! What the hell was wrong with this city? Who leaves/scatters a thumbtack on the pavement? Man, that was sick! So yeah my foot bled and now I walk with a little difficulty. Stupid thumbtack. Pft.
Oh yeah, I missed practice today 'coz I'm sick. I feel bad about it. I must make it up to them next time. Sorry guys, got sick so yeah. I'll be present next time. Hugs!
A funny thing happened to me btw. There's this guy Warlie in my school, who's a a hottie and everyone seems to have a crush on him (okay I have a crush on the guy too but thats it). Recently, I added him on friendster which he kindly accepted but we don't talk at all. I see him everyday and he's friends with my classmates and all but I don't say a word to him. I dunno, I always wait for someone to talk to me before I talk back. The funny thing is, coz I started having crush on him since first year so yeah he always caughts me everytime I stare at him coz for some strange reason he looks back. Pft. Right. So I reckon he knows me by my face or something. Lol.
When I was surfing the net at the school's internet lab, my friend and I were at disbelief that he actually accepted my invitation at friendster (which was lame), and some minutes after guess who walks in? Him. Jeez, my friend kept on teasing me but I was cool about it. Didn't say a thing to him but I just stared at him when he was facing the other way, lol! He saw me stare at him which was even more embarassing, sending my friend into controlled giggles. Whatevs.
So yeah, I had an uncomfortable time sitting there with him on the other side of my PC. So I decided to leave with my friend. While we were waiting for my ID to be logged out, I saw my friend Harlene sitting beside Warlie. I greeted her saying, "Hey Harlene," and waved at her and wtf, he turned his head to look at me! That's when I realized, he must've thought I called his name! Get it? Harlene and Warlie. Close enough. So yeah, this time he got embarassed! Haha priceless! I was smirking all day, go me.
To end this post, I would just like to clarify that Warlie is just a crush and nothing more. Dee I know what you're thinking! Pft. So yeah, we don't talk at all so nothing to be worried about Jace. Hehe. You and Me played again on the radio earlier today, that got me to get off of bed. :P And yeah our housekeeper was probably surprised when I suddenly got up and jumped up and down squeeing. Yeah I know, what a loser I make. Gaah, whatta day. I feel drowsy. *zzzzzz*
off to dreamland,
get well soon dear :)
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