Wednesday, June 28, 2006
listening to: Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy

It's the opening day for Superman Returns starring Kate Bosworth (Orlando Bloom's gf) and Brandon Brouth. Too bad I don't have any money to watch it. Oh bummer. I spent all my money for my Nursing Manual which cost me a whooping 450 bucks. Wtf? Oh well... too bad for me. Meyms, have fun watching the movie. Just fill me in on the details, hehe! I hope I'll get to watch the movie soon too!

listening to: Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy
It's the opening day for Superman Returns starring Kate Bosworth (Orlando Bloom's gf) and Brandon Brouth. Too bad I don't have any money to watch it. Oh bummer. I spent all my money for my Nursing Manual which cost me a whooping 450 bucks. Wtf? Oh well... too bad for me. Meyms, have fun watching the movie. Just fill me in on the details, hehe! I hope I'll get to watch the movie soon too!

On the other hand, I already caught a glimpse of Spiderman 3's trailer! The movie's release will some time next year but the producers already released a preview to keep fans on the edge of their seats. I absolutely love the trailer! The Venom's about to come out of the next sequel so it's really a must see. I also can't wait to see Tobey again. *squee*.
I'm busy updating my fic. My readers are harassing me already coz I haven't posted any update for a month now. Ooopps! Better get back to work. I'm not feeling well today, I think I'm coming down with a flu or something. I sound horrible voice too. *cough*.
I wish money grew on trees... *sigh*
Monday, June 26, 2006
As promised
Fall All Over Again
by Dan Hill
How I wish that I could tell you
It’s all in the past
That I was never good at lying
And baby since you ask
I don’t wanna hear that song again
From the night we first met
I don’t wanna hear you whispering
Things I’d rather forget
I don’t wanna look into your eyes
Coz you know what happens next
We’ll be making love and then
I’ll fall all over again
Can’t begin to tell you
Just how, sorry I am
That the man you built your
Dreams around just broke your heart again
I think I know the feeling
Coz I once loved you so much
And I swore I’d rather die or
Live a day without your touch
If I held you in my arms
You’ll know I’ll never let you go
But this ain’t the time or place
To get emotional
I don’t wanna hear that song again
From the night we first met
I don’t wanna hear you whispering
Things I’d rather forget
I don’t wanna look into your eyes
Coz you know what happens next
We’ll be making love and then
I’ll fall all over again
How you're crying when you kiss me
When you waked out that door
You were always such a mystery
I still dream we're making love
Then I stop myself because
I don’t wanna hear that song again
From the night we first met
I don’t wanna hear you whispering
Things I’d rather forget
I don’t wanna look into your eyes
Coz you know what happens next
We’ll be making love and then
I’ll fall all over again
by Dan Hill
Can’t believe we met like this
Is it just coincidence?
I had a feeling I’ll be seeing you again
You’re every bit as beautiful
As the last time we met
When you told me you were leaving
And going back to him
Is it just coincidence?
I had a feeling I’ll be seeing you again
You’re every bit as beautiful
As the last time we met
When you told me you were leaving
And going back to him
How I wish that I could tell you
It’s all in the past
That I was never good at lying
And baby since you ask
I don’t wanna hear that song again
From the night we first met
I don’t wanna hear you whispering
Things I’d rather forget
I don’t wanna look into your eyes
Coz you know what happens next
We’ll be making love and then
I’ll fall all over again
Can’t begin to tell you
Just how, sorry I am
That the man you built your
Dreams around just broke your heart again
I think I know the feeling
Coz I once loved you so much
And I swore I’d rather die or
Live a day without your touch
If I held you in my arms
You’ll know I’ll never let you go
But this ain’t the time or place
To get emotional
I don’t wanna hear that song again
From the night we first met
I don’t wanna hear you whispering
Things I’d rather forget
I don’t wanna look into your eyes
Coz you know what happens next
We’ll be making love and then
I’ll fall all over again
How you're crying when you kiss me
When you waked out that door
You were always such a mystery
I still dream we're making love
Then I stop myself because
I don’t wanna hear that song again
From the night we first met
I don’t wanna hear you whispering
Things I’d rather forget
I don’t wanna look into your eyes
Coz you know what happens next
We’ll be making love and then
I’ll fall all over again
Huwaaaaaah! =(
Falling all over again

listening to: Bad Guy by Rain
I got bored yesterday, so I made a video slideshow of my classmates and I and posted it at their friendster accounts. Hope they like it though. It took me two agonizing hours to make. Yeah yeah I know, I'm such a nice friend. Haha!
I'm totally bobbing my head to Bi's song. Haha.
Oh a new Korean Bimbap House opened near our school last week. I'm so excited of actually eating there. Maybe soon. If I save enough money. Or if Meyms will treat me to it. *wink*
Last night, I was listening to the radio before going to sleep and I heard Dan Hill's Fall All Over Again and then I remembered a certain loveteam I totally have gone gaga before and then I also remembered you Meyms! Haha! You were singing this song at one of our McDo escapades before, remember? I don't wanna hear that song again on the night that we first met...
Aww! Sapol na sapol! I'll post the lyrics later.
And yeah, while browsing my friends list as Friendster I saw my *ehem* former crush's (former daw oh) new pics. I got intrigued so I checked them out. OMG. Meyms, if I would just cut my hair a little shorter then have bangs we would have the same hairstyle. Bwahaha! Mas maganda pa ang hair nya saken! Da bah!
I just hope he won't see my blog. Or else. Haha! Meyms, here's a pic:
Model na model di bah? He even has pics of him having a slight resemblance to Jun-ki. Anak ng tokwa. Haha! Mas maganda pa siya saken! Kainis! haha. Meyms, we have to go out again soon. I'm missing you already. Just to let you know, I'm free on Mondays and Wednesdays. Wek.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Yin and Yang
I'm not the boastful type. Really I'm not. But this time I really have to be honest with you guys and to myself as well. Okay, in our school when you're already a sophomore they sort you out according to your grade average, particularly on the last semester. I was sorted to be in section Charlie, the third section. In our year it's up to section Echo1 which comes after Zulu followed by Alpha1, Bravo1, etc. Well you get the point, right? So I was really nervous the first day I walked into the classroom because I know these guys are really smart and all, maybe even smarter than me. I was really scared of being the stupidest one in the class, because that would be just humiliating right? All the teachers have high expectations from the first three sections because they are consists of the best of the best.
(Okay, just a little clarification. I don't consider myself smart. Not really. Maybe it just so happens that I can memorize things quick. But I forget them easily. Hehe.)
But it seems that things aren't what they seem afterall. We had this reading exercise just this afternoon in our English3 subject. We were given some terms to read correctly. But what the heck? I was the only one who knew how to read the word 'annihilation' correctly! The same goes for 'facade', 'attache' , 'connoisseur', and I a whole lot of others too! Huh? What's totally wrong in this picture?
(I don't mean to sound proud.)
But, it's okay. Indi pa ko? Di bala Meyms? I was worried in the possibility of being sorted into Alpha before because the Clinical instructors would really be strict. As a matter of fact, some friends of mine in section A were complaining of the C.I.'s treatment. Too many tests. Harhar.
It's guess it's a blessing afterall. Thank God.
(Okay, just a little clarification. I don't consider myself smart. Not really. Maybe it just so happens that I can memorize things quick. But I forget them easily. Hehe.)
But it seems that things aren't what they seem afterall. We had this reading exercise just this afternoon in our English3 subject. We were given some terms to read correctly. But what the heck? I was the only one who knew how to read the word 'annihilation' correctly! The same goes for 'facade', 'attache' , 'connoisseur', and I a whole lot of others too! Huh? What's totally wrong in this picture?
(I don't mean to sound proud.)
But, it's okay. Indi pa ko? Di bala Meyms? I was worried in the possibility of being sorted into Alpha before because the Clinical instructors would really be strict. As a matter of fact, some friends of mine in section A were complaining of the C.I.'s treatment. Too many tests. Harhar.
It's guess it's a blessing afterall. Thank God.
Okay, since Jun-ki oppa's already taken I'll now put a copyright on my last oppa left. KIM JAEJOONG of TVXQ is now officially MINE! Bwahaha! Sa wakas! *fireworks*
I won't settle for "paa" anymore, haha!
Friday, June 23, 2006
Just dropped by to share this quote I've read from a local mag the other day:

Just dropped by to share this quote I've read from a local mag the other day:
"The stupidest mistake in life is falling in-love with someone you know can never be yours..."
Ain't that the awful truth? Haha, guess who can relate? Rawr! Aspirin please! By the way, Meyms how nice of you to drop by. Mimay de pon! Hehe.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I love him!
I've just realized that I haven't posted here since April! Hahaha! That long. Anyway, I don't have anything interesting topic in mind now so I'll just post the pic of my grand Korean oppa, Joo Ji Hoon aka Shin in the Korean series Princess Hours/Goong/Palace/The Imperial Family. I hope Ji Sung (my fisrt Korean love) and Daniel Henney won't get mad. Hahaha! JJH may not be the most handsome Korean male celebrity but I don't know... I just love him. Waaaaah! Btw, I think Lee Dong Wook is the most handsome! Damn him! Hehe! Btw Shine, Jun-Ki looks adorable!

You can look but you can't own him. He's MINE! Haha!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Money today, gone later
currently listening to: First Love by Utada Hikaru
It's funny. Everytime I get hold of a certain sum of money, it usually ends up being spent afterwards. Where do they go? Internet cafes, McDonalds, malls, the school bookstore, or to the xerox copier for all my hand-outs. Damn professors. I spent my computer surfing time to editing my blog and myspace profile. I got hooked. I wasn't satisfied so I kept on editing them. Hehe. Usually, in high school my major problem was about getting high grades. Now in college, my major problem is money. My allowance is just not enough for all my expenses! Jeez! All the prices have gone sky-rocket while the amount of my allowance stayed the same. Justice I tell ya!
On the lighter side of things, that Lee Jun-ki pic just made my day. *blush* Gaaah! He's just the cutest!
'Til here then. I still have to study. *curses*

currently listening to: First Love by Utada Hikaru

It's funny. Everytime I get hold of a certain sum of money, it usually ends up being spent afterwards. Where do they go? Internet cafes, McDonalds, malls, the school bookstore, or to the xerox copier for all my hand-outs. Damn professors. I spent my computer surfing time to editing my blog and myspace profile. I got hooked. I wasn't satisfied so I kept on editing them. Hehe. Usually, in high school my major problem was about getting high grades. Now in college, my major problem is money. My allowance is just not enough for all my expenses! Jeez! All the prices have gone sky-rocket while the amount of my allowance stayed the same. Justice I tell ya!
On the lighter side of things, that Lee Jun-ki pic just made my day. *blush* Gaaah! He's just the cutest!
'Til here then. I still have to study. *curses*
Monday, June 19, 2006

Lookie there! haha OMG! TVXQ caught on cam watching a game between South Korea and France in the World Cup Playoff Series! Wawawa! Here's the scoop:
TVXQ has official made their 3 second debut on world wide TV! If any of you out there who were paying attention to the South Korea vs. France game, you would have seen a glimpse of the boys. You will see them right before the rooster is shown during the France National Theme playing, "The Marseillaise". Jaejoong is wearing devil horns, Yoochun is wearing a red cap, Yunho and Changmin are both holding a camera, and the biggest soccer fan out of the five, Junsu. We, DBShinGi and all fans, hope that Junsu had a wonderful time watching both his country and his favorite player, Therry Henry, who is part of the French soccer team, play against one another.
My Jaejong oppa is wearing horns? nyahaha! Now that's what I call horny! nyak!
By the way, I just saw the guy I was infatuated with back in high school. He used to hold hands and sweet talk me (he sits beside me) so for yeah I guess that's why I liked him back then. He's still as cute as ever but his current girlfriend happens to be some girl I hate way back in elementary. Hmf. He waved back at me though, which kinda made my day... *cough*
Ooh, la la!
currently listening to: Happy by Saving Jane
My friends say that my eyes have the amazing ability to spot a hot campus cutie within seconds, just after seeing them pass by me from the corner of my eye. You see, I have this habit of stopping dead on my tracks everytime a cute guy passes by or I'll call my friend's attention to look at the guy. In our dialect, they would say, "Wow abtik mata mo Shine bah!" (Wow, your eyes are really quick Shine). Hey, what can I do? I just love to stare and appreciate God's wonderful and beautiful creations, haha!
Speaking of "love", I've been having these dreams of my best friend for a week now. I feel guilty 'coz I suddenly stopped texting and seeing him since last month. I bumped into his grandma (which I call 'mama') and she inquired me about it. I just shrugged off and lied about being too busy these days. Huwaaah, I feel awful. Maybe I should just tell it straight to him. I love you, you moron! Darn it...
What the heck?! Paris Hilton has a new single? The girl can sing? What?! Haha actually I heard the song earlier. Good grief, she sounds like Gwen Stefani! And I hate to admit but the song's kinda good. Talk about surprises...
I guess I'll go back to my reading. I have become a bookworm all of a sudden.
A new fanfic is on it's way. Hurrah!

currently listening to: Happy by Saving Jane
My friends say that my eyes have the amazing ability to spot a hot campus cutie within seconds, just after seeing them pass by me from the corner of my eye. You see, I have this habit of stopping dead on my tracks everytime a cute guy passes by or I'll call my friend's attention to look at the guy. In our dialect, they would say, "Wow abtik mata mo Shine bah!" (Wow, your eyes are really quick Shine). Hey, what can I do? I just love to stare and appreciate God's wonderful and beautiful creations, haha!
Speaking of "love", I've been having these dreams of my best friend for a week now. I feel guilty 'coz I suddenly stopped texting and seeing him since last month. I bumped into his grandma (which I call 'mama') and she inquired me about it. I just shrugged off and lied about being too busy these days. Huwaaah, I feel awful. Maybe I should just tell it straight to him. I love you, you moron! Darn it...
What the heck?! Paris Hilton has a new single? The girl can sing? What?! Haha actually I heard the song earlier. Good grief, she sounds like Gwen Stefani! And I hate to admit but the song's kinda good. Talk about surprises...
I guess I'll go back to my reading. I have become a bookworm all of a sudden.
A new fanfic is on it's way. Hurrah!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Of Love and Hate
currently listening to : I Write Sins Not Tragedies by P!ATD
What have I been doing these past weeks? Well to start off, my mom arrived last week causing me to temporarily stop going online and spend more "quality time" *cough* with her. All was well until I hear her go gaga everytime she sees the chores come undone. Hey, what can I do? I can be such a couch potato at times and besides, it's SUMMER for pete's sake! I'm supposed to be resting! *earth to mom*.
I got my hair trimmed. I got tired of my old hairstyle. Besides, my old hair made me look fatter. Hmph.
School started yesterday. I'm in my second year now. Damn it. I wish I was back in my first year. My schedule's a mess! I don't have a vacant time anymore! No more malling for me. *sniff* What's worse, the subjects are getting more complicated now. I thought the first year was tough, but man it's tougher being a sophomore. I hate this. Damn school too. They won't f*ucking allow high-heeled shoes. Come on, I already bought one! What do I do with it? Throw it away?! Shit.
Okay, talk about swearing there. I love blogging, I can swear here all I want. Harhar. Gee, after that I feel loads better. Maybe I would do this often from now on...
Winglin's up and running again, yipeee! I guess I'm back to writing fics now. *and all my readers say amen*
I saw my best friend the other day. I had butterflies in my stomach. Damn it. This is getting unhealthy.
I made more changes in my "fave" section. As you can see, I'm currently reading Castles by Julie Garwood. I just love her romance novels. This is the 5th time that I'll be reading this book.
Wish me luck on my second year. Starting tomorrow, my life's gonna be hell.
I wished I just followed my desire to take up MassComm than listening to my dad's "dream" for me. Hell, I never wanted of being a nurse anyway. Seeing blood makes me squirm. I'd rather take a pencil and paper in my hand and write away rather than hold a injection and stick it into someone's arse. Stupid decision. Stupid me.
Oh f*ck, I'm depressed and I'm a mess. Call 911.
I hate my life. Can I have yours? Bwahaha

currently listening to : I Write Sins Not Tragedies by P!ATD
What have I been doing these past weeks? Well to start off, my mom arrived last week causing me to temporarily stop going online and spend more "quality time" *cough* with her. All was well until I hear her go gaga everytime she sees the chores come undone. Hey, what can I do? I can be such a couch potato at times and besides, it's SUMMER for pete's sake! I'm supposed to be resting! *earth to mom*.
I got my hair trimmed. I got tired of my old hairstyle. Besides, my old hair made me look fatter. Hmph.
School started yesterday. I'm in my second year now. Damn it. I wish I was back in my first year. My schedule's a mess! I don't have a vacant time anymore! No more malling for me. *sniff* What's worse, the subjects are getting more complicated now. I thought the first year was tough, but man it's tougher being a sophomore. I hate this. Damn school too. They won't f*ucking allow high-heeled shoes. Come on, I already bought one! What do I do with it? Throw it away?! Shit.
Okay, talk about swearing there. I love blogging, I can swear here all I want. Harhar. Gee, after that I feel loads better. Maybe I would do this often from now on...
Winglin's up and running again, yipeee! I guess I'm back to writing fics now. *and all my readers say amen*
I saw my best friend the other day. I had butterflies in my stomach. Damn it. This is getting unhealthy.
I made more changes in my "fave" section. As you can see, I'm currently reading Castles by Julie Garwood. I just love her romance novels. This is the 5th time that I'll be reading this book.
Wish me luck on my second year. Starting tomorrow, my life's gonna be hell.
I wished I just followed my desire to take up MassComm than listening to my dad's "dream" for me. Hell, I never wanted of being a nurse anyway. Seeing blood makes me squirm. I'd rather take a pencil and paper in my hand and write away rather than hold a injection and stick it into someone's arse. Stupid decision. Stupid me.
Oh f*ck, I'm depressed and I'm a mess. Call 911.
I hate my life. Can I have yours? Bwahaha