Saturday, September 30, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Please, not another bite

listening to: Stick Wit U by PCD
Okay, sorry I haven't updated my blog. I've been really busy and so many things kept me preoccupied this past week. For one, I've been busy in having our daily practice for the upcoming Speech Fest at school. I'm up for two contests: Verse Choir and the Extemporaneous speaking. I've been having a blast in every practice, 'coz most of the time we spend time cracking each other up. Of course, our oh so patient *cough* director gets pissed all the time because of that. Bwahaha! Can't wait for the final practice, I hope we'll do great. Yay!
I'm kinda sad 'coz Mom is leaving for Manila tomorrow. Dunno when she'll be back though. I hope it'll be soon, coz I'll miss her lots. *sad face* And oh yeah, Jace will start school tomorrow! Woot! Aww, you'll be busy by then. *pouts* Send me an email when you're free okay, doc? Kisses! Dee started school last monday. Way to go Dee! You'll do great I bet. Mwah! Oh yeah... the dD's have our very own forums now! Woah! I know, awesome isn't it? Dee made it, so it's great! I'll post the link in the links section. Check us out when you have time. :P
Just a while ago, I dropped by mom's office 'coz I don't have anything else better to do. It so happens that they're having a mini-party before she goes to Manila. So yeah obviously there's food, which I refused from eating 'coz I just ate lunch. But oh boy, they shoved the ice cream at my face! What was I supposed to do? If I refuse again, it'll be rude of me. So I had some. In fact, I had too much Rocky Road I feel like puking. Ewww. Haha! I won't touch ice cream for a while, really. I feel so guilty at the moment. Lol.
Sir Jonathan's about to leave for the States by the way. Which sucks 'coz I'll miss him lots. I even cried when he announced it at class. Of course, almost all the girls were teary-eyed. Sheessh! Haha! Well it's not like I like him or anything, (but yes, he's my crush) but it'll never be the same without him around. Anatomy was a blast because of him, and he was the best professor around. *sigh* We'll miss you sir, take care and don't forget to give me your email add before you leave. Gahaha! Pft.
Enough rant, 'til next time. TC.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

currently listening to: Hands Down by Dashboard Confession
Hooray! OMG we qualified for the verse choir! Bwahaha. I'm so happy I could treat you all out to dinner...naaah! Lol! All the hardwork paid off, or maybe its just because we're so damn good. Haha! Congratulations also to Chino and Annalin for qualifying for the Character Impersonation finals and Hendry for the Oration. Oh to myself as well for qualifying for the Extemporaneous Speech. Haha, well what do you know? Stroke of luck I guess, good luck to us guys. Job well done! *hugs*
A big shoutout to Jace and Sandee as well. *waves* Jace, I hope you feel lots better now. Reply to my email soon, I miss you lots. Dee, how are ya doin? Chill down girl, don't worry I'm sure you guys can fix this. Love ya girl! =)
Now I'm off to study for Anatomy. Whooosh!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Random post number 2
Man, talk about having a rough day. What happened to me this morning was very weird. When I entered mom and dad's room to say goodbye dad told me to get closer 'coz he'll ask me something. When I asked what is it he told me that he had a dream, that someone's courting me through emails and asked if me if it's true or who it was. WHAT THE?! I swear I haven't told anyone about this at home. Dee I can see you laughing just about now. Haha! Of course I denied it, or else I'm dead! Lol! That was just creepy, or maybe 'coz dad's psychic too. Gahaha! I can't believe he said that. Really. *screams*
Okay, I think I've ranted enough for today. Goodluck to me and the guys tomorrow. Hope we'll kick ass! Yeah! Hehe.
randomly yours,
Yet another random post

currently listening to: random songs from the radio

pretty much how i feel today, tired. Lol
I would just like to take the oppurtunity of thanking a few friends of mine who cracked me up the whole morning and caused me to laugh like a total idiot. Haha, who needs clowns when I have friends like you? Okay, first up Rachelle. Girl you have some serious humor issues! I never knew practicing could be that fun. Now you made my stomach hurt! Next, Marc for being a total moron while playing the drums. You're out of beat! Haha! At least you try, and thanks for playing "Shine, Jesus Shine" over and over again. You remind me that my name sucks, kidding! Oh god Annalin for being you. Just seeing you cracks me up! Hendry for being the good director that you are (and no malice meant there), and oh yeah thanks for the yen you gave me, eventhough it doesnt have any value at all. Hey, you tried! Haha! Carolin for shaking her butt like there's no tomorrow. Your butt cracked me up...harhar! The same goes for Blanche, Precious, Jennifer, Toni, Joy, Meanie, and M Linn. Good luck to us tomorrow, I hope we suck. Kidding!! We'll do good that's for sure. =)
Okay enough rant, must go back and practice! *wink*
Monday, September 18, 2006
*pouts lip* Yeah, I'm sad. Well, for a lot of reasons. First, I screwed up on my midterms grades. Didn't do good either in the return I sucked big time. I'm feeling kinda low these days, and I think my depression has reached its height as well. I don't feel like eating at all. I feel good when I starve myself and if I eat I feel like throwing up 'coz I feel fat. I am trying to loose some weight but some of my friends say that I'm going overboard by starving myself. Am I still okay? Hmm. My self-esteem deteriorates everyday, and the only thing that could make me feel better is losing some major weight. Gaaah I feel so stupid. What the heck is wrong with me? Is this because of me starving myself that's why I'm doing all this? I don't know what to do anymore! My dad is expecting so much from me, and I'm afraid that I might fail him. He wanted me to be a nurse so bad, and I respected that so I took this course. But now, I'm not happy with what I do anymore. I wanted to do stuff that I couldn't. I feel so alone, empty.
My classmates aren't helping either. They always choose me to do this and that. In fact, I'm up for 3 contests on Wednesday: extemporaneous, oration and verse choir! I'm not super girl here! Gaaaah I'm so pissed at the moment. In fact, I just finished my return demo for Bed Bath a while ago. Don't ask how it went, I might kill somebody in the process. Pssssh. Some important people in my life are going someplace too this week. Which makes me more sadder. *sigh*
First, my mom's returning to Manila. Dunno why the sudden change but she said she had to 'coz of her job. I hate it when mom's not around. I don't have someone to talk to. I'm gonna miss her so much, and I hope she'll keep in touch with us all the time. Dad isn't doing so good in budgeting, so good luck with that. Gee, I can't wait to eat fast food stuff. Yech. Now I have valid reasons not to eat. Lolz!
Jace is going away too. He's moving to LA from San Jose. I'm sad 'coz we won't be able to talk online for a few days because he's taking off his wireless connection for a while. So I won't be able to talk to him then. Hun, if you're reading this I'm gonna miss you lots. Goodluck there! And I ran out of things to say again...gahaha! Do keep in touch babe. =)
*goes back to pouting lips*
darn, I left my RLE notebook at home too. I'm so dead. *sigh*
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
What's up doc?

I's Bugs Bunny's famous line. Gahaha!
So now I'll just probably tell about my malling escapade with Miss M last night. So with no good belt she wanted in sight, we ended up strolling the mall up to the third floor and back and oh yeah passing by the Mirmo doll she wanted the most for like 5 times I think, keeping in mind to tell JM to get her that for Christmas, lol! So the question now is, M what will you get me for Christmas? bwahaha! I was kinda tired from walking, and to add insult to injury M was eating in front of a girl who's on a diet. But nah, I survived that without eating anything! Haha! I was tempted but my convictions won over my hunger, duh? I should get a medal for myself, you think? So yeah, she ate a hotdog sandwich then bought a chicken burger meal at KFC for a take out. And she thinks she's fat? M, if your fat then I'm obese, gahaha! You aren't I swear! Makes me wonder where you put all that stuff you eat. If I had your figure well, I'll flaunt it! Weeeeh.
So there, I mostly ate air last night. Pretty yummy too. :P
To end my entry I would like to say hi to a doctor out there who'll be probably reading this in a while. Sorry for the arguement we had yesterday, gah I still feel really awful about it. I acted so stupid...*slaps self* =)
(I'm sooooooooo dead. I know.)
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Uhhh...what now?

Hey, it's been a while since my last post. Sorry, I've been really busy and a lot of things happened the past week. Finally, the midterm exams are over and now I'll be on the look-out for the final exams *shivers*. I've been dieting too, so far so good. I feel good actually, nah who am I kidding? I'm starving myself to loose weight! haha! I feel like a walking corpse at times 'coz I don't have any energy left, but for the sake of a nice figure I'll do it. Let me loose 10-15 pounds then were good. *prays he won't read this* eeeeek.
Meyms left for Manila and I didn't got the chance to say goodbye! I just found that out when she texted me on the airport that the reggae band we both love was on the same flight with her, pft lucky girl. Anyways, I hope she'll be back soon 'coz I'll miss you to bits. Maymee come back! Lol!
Oh yeah, about the avi right there of H/Hr, I just posted it there 'coz I felt like it. And it's inspired by P!ATD's song so yeah. I'm crazy about the band right now, I'm listening to their songs over and over again.
It'll be hectic this week too, gaaaah wish me luck. By the way, it was my friend Michelle's birthday last Sunday (10th) and she treated us to the movies. I had fun. It's good to be with old friends again, I miss them already. Emilie's grandmother treated us to pizza after that, so after 2 slices of pizza my diet was ruined for the meantime....haha! It was Sandy's birthday too, and I hope she reads this. I love ya girl! And please, remember to bring the freakin cam with you all the time! Especially when *coughcalvincough* is there! Details girl, details!!
So...what now?
Uhm, three cheers for me I guess. For what? Well, that's for me to keep. Gahaha!
*sings to P!ATD again*
Friday, September 01, 2006
Rock Eyecandies...yum!